Phone: 08165088692
Mon – Fri : 8:00 -1700

Boost Yield, Improve Quality Professional Services & implements To Help Farmers succeed Produce & Good Harvest We've been Providing Agricultural Professional Farming Equipment's & Maintenance Services Services Since 2011

Agric Input Suppy

We Provide Affordable and Quality Seed, Fertilizers and Chemicals.

Specialized Training

No Excuse for Farmers; We Provide the Best Training Resources to Help You Succeed.

Tractor Services

We Make Mechanize Farming Easy - Tractors, Implements, Maintainance, & Services


Agric Services Training Center and Marketing Limited have been set up to help create self-sustaining agricultural growth.

ASTC is boosting Agriculture through training farmers on modern and best practices, rendering tractor services to farmers that can’t afford to purchase and maintain tractor by themselves, and Sells agrochemicals and fertilizers that are tested. Advice on the how, when and the right quantity of inputs to use, is also a service given to our clients.


Hybrid seeds and seedlings are available to farmers and this is as a result of ASTC’s continuous research

More About Us
astc plateau

ASTC&M LTD Services



ASTC&M Ltd provides for vegetable seedlings, whereby young plant grown from a seed…

Tractor Maintenance

Tractor Maintenance

With our vast collection of tractors, we are well experienced in tractor maintenance.…

Agric Input Supply

Agric Input Supply

ATSC & M Provides for interventions in agricultural farm inputs, such as fertilizers,…


Soil Laboratory Analysis

Soil Laboratory Analysis

With our expertise in Soil testing and laboratory analysis, we provide for one…

Agric and Post Harvest Marketing

Agric and Post Harvest Marketing

With our vast network in Agricultural marketing we provide farmers services including moving…

Why Choose Us

Research & Development 90%
Staff Capabilities 95%
Marketing 85%
Feedback 75%
Quality 98%

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    Contact Details

    Head Office Jos No.1B Wamba Rd GRA Jos.
    Phone: (234) 07056750511 & 08165088692